Please let me introduce myself!
My name is Sophia and Welcome to “Ruth & Naomi”. A Christian blog with uplifting and encouraging content suited for women from all over the world!
The story behind the blog
You may be wondering why I chose to name this blog “Ruth & Naomi”? Well, the book of Ruth found in the Old Testament, is my favourite Bible story.
Ruth’s sincere obedience and filial affection for her mother-in-law, as well as her worship of the true God, is one of the most beautiful examples of honest, inspiring and respectful love. Naomi in return, showed so much tenderness and affection to her daughter-in-law, by guiding her and giving her divine counsel. Ruth followed all of Naomi’s advice because she knew her mother-in-law was a wise woman and a servant of the Most High. Even though she did not know what was in store for her, Ruth gave up her own culture, including her gods to serve The One True God.
Mark 12:30-31, tells us that we shall love the Lord with all our heart and soul, and to love our neighbour as ourselves. Ruth and Naomi indeed demonstrated those two commandments. They both have set perfect examples for Christian women of all ages. God calls women to His service and we all have a precious role to play in His wide field. Despite the season of life, we are in, singleness, marriage, motherhood etc, each and every one of us, can have an empowering influence on those around us. And as a result, bring more souls to Christ.
May we grow in grace, find encouragement and deepen our relationship with the Lord, daily. I am very glad to have you here! Make sure you subscribe to the website and follow @ruthandnaomiblog on Instagram and Pinterest!
Thank you for joining in on this journey! 😉
Sophia xo
Hello Sofia, thank you for inviting me to your blog. It looks very interesting. May the Lord bless you as you share His word with us who read your blog.
In Christian love,
Hello Ingrid! Thank you for taking the time to read! Your words are very kind and encouraging! May the Lord
pour out His blessings on you today and always! 🙂