Sunshine After The Rain – Dealing With Grief

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Almost each and everyone of us has experienced or will experience the loss of a precious soul we hold close and dearly to our heart. A father, a son, a grandmother, an aunt, a friend… Sadly, the list can go on and on. The pain of having a loved one thorn from us by death is excruciating and seems to have no end. But friends, the Lord has made promises that we need to remind ourselves in times of troubles.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Revelation 21:4

Oh! I cannot wait for this day to come, when all the losses and sorrow will only be an old souvenir, a distant memory.

While praying for a dying soul, at the foot of the cross, we must submit our will to the Will of our Heavenly Father. Leaving the matter with him ” Your will, not mine Oh Lord!”. God is in control and loves this beloved soul more than we could ever love them. If God’s will is to take them to rest, may we faithfully accept His Will. May we put in our minds and hearts that Our Loving Father knows best and we must trust in Him. Whatever the outcome may be, “All things work together for good to them that love God”

We are in a world of suffering. Difficulty, trial and sorrow awaits us all along the way to the heavenly home.

Mind, Character, and Personality, vol 2. Ellen G. White Chapter 11. page 459.

Do not give up on God

Being discouraged and giving ourselves to mourning without restraint is not only detrimental for our own soul but it also affects those around us. A discouraged heart, brings darkness to our soul and also casts a shadow upon the pathway of others. Even in times of darkness and sorrow, we must give praises to the King. When we don’t feel like singing, we must double our efforts! God is the Light of the world, in Him there is no darkness. “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, Rejoice!”

Raindrops representing tears shed in times of sorrow

That is to say, the Lord will give us grace to bear our bereavement. The promise is ours, we may trust in Him and be comforted in His love. Another key point, we must keep our faces and steps directed towards Heaven. Every word we speak must show that we recognize the goodness, the mercy and the love of God. Indeed, He has provided a balm for every wound.

You are not alone

Sisters, in spite of everything, remind yourself at all times, that others before you, have suffered the same tribulations you are experiencing . With this in mind, we must keep the faith and never give up. The promises of God are certain and true. In times of troubles, we must not loose confidence in God, in fact, we must cling closer to His protecting love.

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

For the day will come when the Life-giver will awaken His precious loved ones to a glorious immortality. Hence, we will meet our loved ones who fell asleep in the arms of Jesus!

Hope in times of trouble

Jesus is saying to you during your time of bereavement:

“Lean on Me, lean hard. I will bear you up. My arm shall never fail you. It shall be strong to support you over all the rough and difficult places. Only make Me your trust and you shall be guided safely and upheld firmly”

Selected Message book 2 – Elle G. White {260.4}

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