Esther was a simple, beautiful young Jew who was destined to achieve a high purpose. In her pure innocence, she was chosen to become queen of the Medo-Persian kingdom and thus deliver her people from massive destruction.
Yet, this elevation was all orchestrated by the hand of God…
Let’s take a look at her story.
How it all started
When both Esther’s parents passed away, her cousin Mordecai took her under his wing and raised her as his daughter. He raised her to be a gracious, kind-hearted and respectful young lady. Mordecai taught his beloved cousin Esther, everything she needed to know and took precious care of her.
Esther and Mordecai lived in the capital of Susa. The king ruling over Persia at that time was king Xerxes. No need to mention how rich and powerful he was.
The royal feast
One day, the monarch threw a large feast, which lasted for seven days. The royal palace was invited and partook in the celebrations. Royal wine was flowing in abundance. All guests were drinking in gold cups as if there was no tomorrow.

As king Xerxes’ heart was merry and full of wine, he suddenly had the idea to pridefully display the queen’s beauty to all his guests.
He sent out for her.
When the king’s servants came to queen Vasthi, she declined the request. She knew her husband’s heart was full of wine and that he was not thinking clearly. As a highly-respected woman, she could never engage in such festivities. She had to protect her dignity. She respectfully refused to go.

When the servants returned to the king without Vasthi, Xerxes became furious and felt humiliated. Under the unwise suggestions of his team, the king revoked queen Vasthi’s crown.
In search of a new queen
Vasthi was no longer queen of Persia. King Xerxes had to find himself a new wife. One who would not disrespect him as he thought Vasthi did and who would honour and love him tenderly. But where to find such a high-value woman, worthy of a crown? Well, the king’s advisors recommended sending officers to all provinces and gathering all the beautiful young virgins of the land. They suggested the chosen ones be trained to learn royal etiquette and the manners of court life. Their proposition pleased the king and he approved it.
The promise
Esther was part of the group of young women who were brought to the palace by the officers. However, before she departed for the palace, Mordecai instructed his daughter, not to disclose her true origins. He told her not to tell a single soul that she was a Jew. Esther kept this promise close to her heart and left with the men.

Upon their arrival at the royal palace, the women met with Hegai the eunuch, their designated mentor. For twelve months, they would be under his care. Learning all about monarchy, beauty treatments, and being prepared to ultimately gain the king’s favour and please him.
For the first six months, they used oils and myrrh. Then for another six months, they completed their beauty regimen with sweet perfumes and other feminine treatments.

Hegai truly appreciated Esther. He favoured her and gave her special attention. Esther stood out from the other girls, because of her simplicity and kindness. Everyone loved her. She caught everyone’s attention. This young lady was a true gem.
One night with the king
The time for Esther to meet the king finally came. Esther knew she could bring with her anything she wanted for the night, but she only took what Hegai had recommended to her.
Esther was taken to the royal residence, and when king Xerxes saw her, he instantly was attracted to her and felt a deep connection. He loved her beyond all the other women. In no time, he had made his final decision and crowned Esther as the new queen of his kingdom.

For such a time as this
As the story goes on, we discover how God in His providence chose this young Jewish woman, to fulfil His holy plan. In his infinite prescience, the Lord intentionally placed Esther on the throne of the Medo-Persian kingdom, to save His people from the coming destruction.
Haman, one of the king’s counsellors, was a corrupted and dishonest man. He was determined to massacre all the Jews that lived throughout the whole kingdom and destroy their properties. This man could not stand that Mordecai, continually refused to kneel before him. He thought to himself of a plan to make Mordecai and his people “pay”. Little did he know that Mordecai and his people belonged to the King of kings…
"Then Haman said to King Xerxes, “There is a certain people dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom who keep themselves separate. Their customs are different from those of all other people, and they do not obey the king’s laws; it is not in the king’s best interest to tolerate them. If it pleases the king, let a decree be issued to destroy them, and I will give ten thousand talents of silver to the king’s administrators for the royal treasury." - Esther 3:8-9
Haman maliciously convinced king Xerxes of his evil plan. And king Xerxes, misled by Haman, sealed the appointed decree.
“Satan himself, the hidden instigator of the scheme, was trying to rid the earth of those who preserved the knowledge of the true God.”
Prophets and Kings – Chapter 49 – Ellen White
In the following chapters of the book of Esther, we read how through her obedience and prayers, this young woman was willing to lose her life for the sake of her people. Esther displayed attributes of great courage, femininity and faith, despite the fact, that her actions could have had her killed instantly.
Yet, the Lord surrounded her and she found favour in the king’s eyes. Esther had won the king’s heart and he was willing to listen to her request. King Xerxes even offered her up to half of his kingdom, simply to know what was on her mind! So she did and was victorious, by God’s Holy Grace!
Praise the Lord!
Life lesson
So many beautiful lessons to take from Esther’s story. Truly, when we honour God, He also honours us in unimaginable ways. Esther submitted her will to the Most-High and she received blessings upon blessings! Her acts of courage, faith and obedience, saved her people from destruction. My sister, what are you willing to sacrifice for the cause of God? What are you willing to lose to save one additional soul for heaven’s Kingdom? Esther did not look at her position or title, she risked it all for He who created her. She knew her Lord had placed her in this position specifically for such a time as this…
Click here to read the article on our previous woman of note, Rahab.