Keeping The Faith In The Burning Fire

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I will trust you Lord

Faith is trusting God. Trusting God when it is painful to even breathe. Trusting the Lord when our heart is so bruised that we can’t take the pain anymore. Trusting the Saviour when we do not feel Him near us. Faith is giving over to God the guardianship and control of every aspect of our life. Faith is to simply trust in the divine power and believing that He knows what is best for us, what is best for our Salvation.

Believe in God’s promises

The christian life includes moments of joy and happiness, but also times of sorrow. In all cases we must remain faithful to God.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  - Roman 8:28

We should never let satan overwhelm us with discouragement and let our courage fail. Never talk unbelief when life’s circumstances and the world seem to be against us. No complaints should be cherished in our hearts or expressed by our lips. Rather, we should have words of praise, be strong and hopeful. It is important to realize, that in all of our afflictions, God is afflicted. In every trials and temptations, He is near.

“The fact that we are called upon to endure trial proves that the Lord Jesus sees in us something very precious, which he desires to develop. If He saw in us nothing whereby He might glorify His name He would not spend time in refining us…Christ does not cast worthless stones into His furnace.”

Counsels for the Church 54.6 – Ellen G. White

Time of preparation for tomorrow

The Lord wants to prepare us for what is to come. A time of great distress is coming and our faith during this specific season must be infaillible. We need to learn to wrestle with God, just as Jacob did. To lean entirely on Him, and not let go until He blesses us. Now is the time to do those things. Now is the time to become perfect in Christ. In the midst of our trials and emergencies, we must seek the Lord for wisdom and plea with Him. He will show us a way out of our troubles. This will leave no place or time for the enemy to lead us into mourning and murmurs.

You are the Potter, I am the clay

Indeed God is the potter and we, as his daughters, are the clay. When the potter plans to create a beautiful vessel, he must follow many steps to obtain the final results.

First-off, he starts with fresh and brand new clay. He gently starts to knead, press and mold it. Then he starts tearing it appart and working his hands through it. He wets it and then lets it dry, before leaving it to rest. After the time of rest, the potter takes the clay again and starts molding it into a refined and classic vessel. He trims pieces, polishes it until perfection. Once pleased by his piece of art, he lets it dry in the sun, and furthermore bakes it in the oven.

potter and the clay

Once completely dry, the sublime vessel is now fit for use and the potter can joyfully use it. A vessel he put so much time, love and effort in making!

Just as the clay in the hands of the potter, this is exactly how we must be in our Saviour’s hands. Submissive, obedient and faithful. We must at all times, submit with patience to the process of purification that God puts us through. We should wait, with hope for the Saviour to redeem His tried and faithful servants.

Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” - John 13:7

God’s purposes are often veiled in mystery; they are incomprehensible to finite minds; but He who sees the end from beginning knows better than we. What we need is to cleanse us from earthliness, to perfect our Christian character, that the robe of Christ’s righteous shall be upon us

Mind, Character and Personality, vol. 2 – 463.3 – Ellen G. White

2 thoughts on “Keeping The Faith In The Burning Fire”

  1. Good job Sophie, we can see the hands of God behind your writings and the humble heart He Gives you to help others understand how to go through this journey.

    I feel blessed and may God continue blessing you.

    1. Ah! Praise God Madame! This beautiful message warms my heart! You are such an inspiration and a true blessing in my life !

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