Spending Meaningful Time With God In Nature

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God created the earth for his children to live on. In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve in beautiful and perfect Eden. Before sin came into the world, the anointed couple was to enjoy the breathtaking scenery and give glory to their Creator.

There is something special and comforting about nature. Have you ever felt discouraged, then went out for a walk in nature and felt instantly rejuvenated ? This is not a coincidence, it was meant to be this way. Nature testifies of God! This marvellous earth and its spectacular scenery did not create itself. The Lord God, the King of kings, the Creator, created all. He created this earth for our own good, simply because He is LOVE. God is speaking to us, through nature and we can definitely see His Mighty Hand in every tiny aspect.

The whole natural world is designed to be an interpreter of the things of God.

Child Guidance 45.3 Ellen G. White

Nature, an unfailing source of instruction for mankind

Nature speaks of God’s goodness to us. It is also meant for us to enjoy God’s creation and to strengthen our communion with Him. God’s Signature is on every leaf, tree, rock and flower. We can hear His voice through the early morning breeze, the melody of the sea, and the pouring rain. The more we spend time in nature studying its content and observing its mysteries, the more we will gain clarity of mind. We need a clear mind to understand and put in practice the Word of God in our own life and to easily discern His soft voice. Thus, the spiritual things will grow higher and higher in our heart, not leaving space for the secular things.

In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peals belongs to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Psalm 95:4-5
bee and flower in nature

A simple walk in nature can do wonders for the body and the soul. Of course a good source of exercise, is part of the benefits of spending time in nature, but the soul can witness the testimonies of God’s pure and infinite Love for us. Even the birds sing praises to the King! We can perceive God’s love for us in a simple blooming flower, or in a tiny bee hopping from one flower to another. We can also see God’s mysterious works in the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly and the list goes on.

Quiet moments of prayer in nature

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. - Psalm 19:1
nature of God

As christians, we must take the time to spend time in nature and talk to our God, about our perplexities, our big dreams and aspirations or simply let our tears flow. God and the angels are listening, we are in a direct contact with the Creator of the earth. We must tell Him all that is on our hearts and lay down our heavy burdens. He will answer. God takes pleasure in listening to his children’s prayer requests, moments of joy and concerns. Therefore ladies, I encourage you and I, to take the time to enjoy God’s creation and to spend time turning the pages of the beautiful book of nature, which was gifted to us. Plus, who knows what we might see or hear, along the way…

The things of nature upon which we look today give us but a faint conception of Eden’s beauty and glory; yet the natural world, with unmistakable voice, proclaims the glory of God. 

Review and Herald, Nov. 8, 1898. Ellen G. White