The Story Of Ruth And Naomi, God’s Providence

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The story of Ruth and Naomi continues as both women began their travel together, back to Bethlehem. In this post, we will be the spectators of God’s providence and of His unconditional love for us. Let’s pursue our journey…

A unique kind of relationship

God had blessed the land again, the famine was over. On the other hand, Ruth and Naomi were both grieving their losses, but thankfully, they had each other, they relied on God. The strong bond and connection the two women shared, was more than a birth status, more than blood . Ruth had the sole purpose of taking care of her dear mother-in-law, who was in fact, a mother to her.

At their arrival in Bethlehem, Ruth planned to find work, to meet their needs. She asked her dear mother, if she could let her go work in a field. Ruth humbly asked for Naomi’s permission, for Naomi’s blessing. Even at that age, Ruth did not think of herself as old enough or relied on her personal wisdom, to take her own decisions. On the contrary, she wanted to act as per Naomi’s wise words and wanted to make sure she was doing everything accordingly. Naomi said to her ” Go ahead, my daughter”. Consequently, Ruth went…

Hand of a woman in a field

God’s providence

Ruth entered a field, without knowing who it belonged to and started working incessantly. She worked, worked and worked all day, little did she know her diligence was being noticed… While Ruth was busy working, the owner of the land, a wealthy man, arrived. His name was Boaz, and also happened to be a close relative of Naomi’s late husband! This young lady, working hard in the field, had caught his attention. He quietly watched her from afar and thoroughly questioned his faithful servant. He wanted to know more about her, he was intrigued by her.

Woman dressed in red, walking in a field.

The servant answered and provided the details of Ruth’s story, where she came from, and how much of a hard working woman she was, in other words, he praised her. Amazed and humbly touched by what he was hearing, Boaz approached the young lady and told her that he would take good care of her. He assured Ruth that she did not have to worry about anything, that she could keep working in his field. Boaz had warned others not to harm or hurt her and told her she could take whatever she wanted or needed. He was protecting and providing for her.

God’s favour

Ruth could not believe what she was hearing, she bowed down with her face to the ground. She was deeply thankful for Boaz’ gentleness and mercy expressed towards her.

” Why have I found such favour in your eyes that you notice me, a foreigner ? “

Ruth 2:10

Boaz explained to her, that he knew all about her journey, her loss, her loving care for her mother-in-law and her faith for leaving everything behind, to follow The One True God. He blessed her and prayed that the Lord would highly repay and honour her for her obedience and loyalty.

Woman dressed in red, praising God in the field

What a beautiful story portraying the faithfulness of God’s Providence. Here we have Ruth, who in her pure innocence gave up everything to follow Naomi and serve her God. Subsequently, the Lord softly guided her steps to a place of blessings, a place of abundance without her even noticing.

” And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows “

Matthew 10:30-31

When we, God’s children, put our trust in the Lord and remain faithful, He takes jealous care of us and guides our every steps. He opens doors we did not know existed, God’s Providence takes care of the rest. There is absolutely no need to worry, our only task is to believe and let God operate in our lives, simply trust in Him.