Sisters, in the last post we discussed the key components of waiting on God to accomplish the deepest desires of our hearts in regards to the subject of marriage. Today let’s dive into the second part of this important question.
What if marriage is not for me ?
That is such a valid question. Not everyone is called to marriage, but all are called to serve the Lord. God has a plan for each and everyone of us. A plan to aid in the advancement of His Kingdom. He is looking for young men and young women who desire to put their whole life to His service. Christians who are sincerely devoted to save the lost sheep and bless humanity with their compassionate love.

So much work to do
There is so much work to accomplish in this wide field, also known as “the world”. By consecrating your life to God, dear sister, you will come across many important tasks and challenges. So now take a moment and ask:
“What can I do for you Lord?”
He will surely answer you, and when He does, simply respond:
“Here I am Lord, send me!”
There are so many ministries that you can partake in. Don’t hesitate to work for the Lord, by thinking you won’t make an important difference in this world.
No, no, no.
Sister, wherever there is a need, jump in. God will bless whatever help you provide, and will give you more to do. It is a never ending process and this will remain true, right until the end.
Young men and women are invited to give God the strength of their youth, that through the exercise of their powers, through keen thought and vigorous action, they may bring glory to Him and salvation to their fellow-men.
Gospel workers, 67 – Ellen G. White
However, the Lord is also asking from those who want to gives themselves to His work, to remove from their hearts all impurity and embrace a clean and pure mindset with Christ in the middle. Day after day, you will notice major changes in you, by God’s Holy Grace and you will become more and more like Him. Throughout your journey, you will learn to die to self, put other people’s need ahead of yours and develop a gentle and kind spirit. Your simplicity will accomplish much in this work.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. Ecclesisates 9:10
Ministries of love
The Lord needs you in ways you could never imagine. Pray and ask God where He wants you to help out. You can be a blessing to others in so many ways. Find your passion, your ministry, your purpose and once that is done, roll up your sleeves and put yourself to work!
Do not hesitate to work for the Lord because you think you can do but little. Do your little with fidelity; for God will work with your efforts. He will write your name in the book of life as one worthy to enter into the joy of the Lord.
Messages to young people {23.3} – Ellen G. White
For example, the world is saturated with people dealing with diseases and sicknesses. Too many are experiencing poor health, unaware of God’s perfect plan for optimal health. It was not in God’s design for the world to be in it’s current state. And this is where medical missionary work comes in. There is a fundamental relation that exists between medical missionary work and the gospel ministry. One can’t function without the other and God wants us to take interest in this work. Healing the sick is a part of the gospel. Just as Jesus took care of the sick, you as well can help out by partaking in medical missionary work.
Reading Cooking Taking care of the sick
There are so many ministries out there that will appreciate your time and devotion. Children’s ministry, being a “mentor” for the youth, serving and helping the homeless, orphans, widows and elderly etc. You don’t actually have to look too far, those around you will surely be blessed by your good care, compassion and service to them.
Simply open your eyes.
As you can see the world is in desperate need of Christ. In desperate need of Christ’s love, touch and presence.
You can be Jesus’ hands, eyes and ears in the midst of a desperate crowd.
What an honour and privilege to work for The King…