Dressing Modestly For The Kingdom Of God

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Dressing Modestly for the Kingdom of God – Read by Sophia

Our father is the Most High, we are highly favoured and part of the royal family. As his daughters we must at all times faithfully represent him. The visible and non-visible worlds are watching our every move. They must immediately recognize that we are from Him. Our walk, talk, actions and dress must testify that we are the servants of the King of the universe.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own - 1 Corinthians 6:19

Dressed to please the Lord

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about what being a high value woman entails. (Click here to read the post!). Aside from having good manners, being polite, kind and having a heart for service, a God-fearing woman must also dress according to the Lord’s heavenly standards. That is to say, she needs to be feminine, modest and holy. However, being modest also means to dress with simplicity, order and taste, because our God loves all things beautiful.

In dress, as in all thing else, it is our privilege to honour our Creator. He desires our clothing to be not only neat and healthful, but appropriate and becoming.

Counsels for the church – Ellen G. White {CCh 180.1}

We should treat our bodies with the outmost respect and care, as the Holy Spirit chose to live within us. We must protect and cover our bodies because we are living for Him. Our manner of dress should bring glory to Him.

If the duchesses and princesses of this world have a detailed formal dress code and several protocols to follow, how much more should we, as godly women dress appropriately, with great refinement and elegance. The royals of this world have certain rules they need to observe when it comes to clothing choices. Here is a list of the various rules that I have found.

Dress standards for royals

It is fair to say that members of the royal family are expected to dress impeccably, modestly, and not too casual. For women, dresses and skirts should always be at an appropriate length, as short hemlines are not considered modest. Knee-length or longer dresses and skirts is what is expected from royal women. Any low-cut clothing, showing cleavage or too much skin is not encouraged. The heels women wear must not be too high to prevent falls and to assure an effortless walk and it is preferred that women, do not wear colourful nail-polish. In all, royals tend to choose pieces of clothing and styles that are classic staples and timeless, rather than clothes that would draw unnecessary attention to them.

We christian women, must dress in the only intention to honour our God and to follow His Will. Indirectly, a woman who dresses modestly exudes a sweet fragrance of humility. All attention is directed to her God rather than to her person. And further to this, when a woman dresses with grace and modesty, she is treated with great respect and stands out for her purity…

By the things of nature [the flowers, the lily] Christ illustrates the beauty that Heaven values, the modest grace, the simplicity, the purity, the appropriateness, that would make our attire pleasing to Him.

Counsels for the church – Ellen G. White {CCh 180.3}
Lily of the valley
Lily of the Valley