Happy New Year’s Blessings!
At the beginning of a brand new year comes new resolutions, new goals and new possibilities. To successfully reach our objectives, we must look upward and focus on the various ways to get there. Hard work, dedication, and faith are three important words. Today is the day that we need to renew our commitment to Christ and get rid of our old ways. Today we need to die to self and live to be like Him.
The first thing we are to do is to give ourselves to the Lord. Life, with its endowments and privileges, is God’s gift. Let us remember that it comes from God, and is to be wholly consecrated to Him.
Signs of the Times, January 2, 1901 – Ellen G. White
Blessings upon blessings
Sister, why would 2022 not be the year of your breakthrough? With God on your side, His Word tucked in your heart and His hymns and psalms on your lips, you will by His grace alone, achieve the unthinkable!
We’ve all read the book of Ephesians. However, do we really put in practice and understand what is taught in chapter number six? Paul the Apostle teaches Christians to clothe themselves with the armour of God. It includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. We must put it on to fight our way through life. The enemy of our soul is continuously looking for ways to destroy us. Hence why Paul added the necessity of prayer. By putting in the work and following the Word, 2022 will be a year of huge accomplishments and blessings.
Lord have mercy.
Meet your goals
Be disciplined, trust and obey. You surely will see the results of your commitment.
What are you aspiring for in the coming year? An important move? The purchase of a new home? Financial independence? Build or grow your business? Develop your ministry? A Christ-centered relationship? The possibilities are endless! And rest assured, the results are accessible to you if you invite the Creator of the universe into your project.

God has gifted each and every one of us with talents to multiply and use for His glory.
My sincere prayer for you and me this year, is that we give ourselves wholeheartedly to God and that we let Him pen out our story.
He who asks in faith, believing that God will fulfil His word, and who acts in accordance with His prayer, doing God’s will in all things, will receive rich blessings from on high. And as he receives, he is to impart to those who need help.
Signs of the Times, January 2, 1901 – Ellen G. White