Rahab is another amazing example of what a woman of note is. A woman who displayed sentiments of compassion, faithfulness and obedience. She played a tremendous part in Israel’s history, despite her unconventional past… Rahab was known to be a prostitute.
Let’s dive into her story…
In ennemy territory
God told the people of Israel to move forward as He was about to give them the well-awaited promised land, Canaan. The land flowing with milk and honey. Although they did not know how they would conquer the land, they knew that God was with them and that He would make a way…
At that time, the Israelite army was encamped on the east side of the Jordan river, ready to move. Their very first obstacle was a large and fortified city named Jericho. Its inhabitants were extremely wealthy and believed in their idols and gods, not in the God of Israel…
Joshua, the people’s leader, sent out two young men to spy out the land and study its geography, resources and population. He wanted to know everything about his enemies. The two spies arrived in Jericho, in enemy territory. Jericho was a city with great walls and the men were ready to look into the strength of its fortification. Yet, they were in great danger.
It is at this exact moment that our woman of note Rahab comes into play…
From prostitution to salvation
Rahab was a prostitute living in the large city of Jericho. Nevertheless, this woman had a kind and selfless heart. When the two men came to her, looking for a place to hide. She opened her door to them, with absolutely no hesitation. She was willing to help them out and hide them in her home.
You see, the people of Jericho had heard about Yahweh, the God of the Israelites. They heard how He parted the Red Sea and how He delivered His people from the Egyptians.
Terror filled the hearts of the inhabitants of Jericho.
Hence why they were this nervous, knowing that the Israelites were in the area. They knew that their God would destroy them.
Rahab, on the other hand, was ready to put her life in danger for the two men who showed up at her door. She knew they were God’s people.
Unfortunately, the word that the two spies were staying at Rahab’s house, got out. Subsequently, the king of Jericho sent troops out to the woman’s house to look for them. Rahab indicated that they had already left, and gave them a confusing direction of travel. They followed her instructions and “went after them”…
The vow
As soon as the guards left, Rahab went to the spies and begged them to remember her and her family, at the time of destruction.
They immediately made a vow.
“Our lives for your lives!” the men assured her. “If you don’t tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the Lord gives us the land.” - Joshua 2:14
They told her to hang a scarlet cord out of her window as a sign of their vow. Consequently, her entire family members present in the house at the time of the attack would be spared. When the time of destruction came, the Israelites, honoured the vow and spared the home with the scarlet cord tied in the window…

Rahab and her family were saved. The city of Jericho, on the other hand, was destroyed.
Beauty from ashes
Rahab had a tough life. She was a prostitute in a pagan city. And yet, her selfless love and faith gave her the courage to take the risks that she took. Undoubtedly, a decision that could have her killed. After all, because Rahab chose kindness, not only did she save herself from the attack, but her family as well.
May we choose and demonstrate kindness at all times.
Click here to read the post on the previous woman of note at study, Abigail.