In His prescience, God chose Rebecca to become the loving wife of Abraham’s son, Isaac. Isaac was forty years old when his father, Abraham, appointed his God-fearing and faithful servant, Eliezer, to find a suitable spouse for his son. He knew that his servant was a firm believer and would have good judgment to make such a sacred choice.
Abraham’s only non-negotiable was that the woman Eliezer would choose could not be an unbeliever. Abraham’s servant made an oath to his master, and off he went, ready to fulfil this solemn mission. Eliezer did not confide in his judgement but prayed and asked God for a few signs to let him know who to pick.
The chosen one
The faithful servant left for a new land with a caravan full of gifts, ready to offer them to the chosen one. After a long journey, the servant stopped at a well; it was the evening. At this specific time of the day, the women usually came to the well to draw water.
You see, this right there was Providence.
The servant hopped on this opportunity to pray in his heart and ask God to fulfil the purpose of his trip.
What better way to see God’s hand in full action than asking for a sign?
Eliezer asked that the young lady who would respond positively to his request of serving him water be the one intended for his master’s son, Isaac. The servant had not even finished praying when he noticed a beautiful young woman walking towards the well with a jar on her shoulder.
Her name was Rebecca.
The servant walked up to her and proceeded with his demand. Rebecca answered with so much grace and gentleness. She eagerly drew water for him and also drew water for the ten camels who travelled with him. The servant observed her every actions. He was amazed. It was beyond what he had expected. Indeed, God had given him the answer he had been searching for.
A place to stay
Eliezer then asked Rebecca if there would be enough room at her father’s house to host him and his caravan. Once more, Rebecca’s answer did not disappoint. She and her brother Laban were pleased to welcome them all at their house. They had set the table for him to eat, but the servant was on a mission. He didn’t want to eat before he disclosed the purpose of his trip. Laban and his father, Bethuel, were all ears.
The servant told them he was searching for a wife for Abraham’s son, his master. A virtuous woman who would accept to follow him back to his land and become Isaac’s wife. Hearing the servant’s beautiful testimony, the father and son duo knew this was none other than Providence and gave their blessings. Soon after, when Rebecca was asked if she was interested in marrying the young man, she joyfully said yes. After obtaining Rebecca’s consent, her family sent her away with the group with their blessing and approval, as they started travelling back to Abraham’s land for the wedding.
“After the consent of the family had been obtained, Rebekah herself was consulted as to whether she would go to so great a distance from her father’s house, to marry the son of Abraham. She believed, from what had taken place, that God had selected her to be Isaac’s wife, and she said, “I will go.”
Daughters of God – Chapter 2 – Ellen G. White
The wedding
Isaac was in the field praying and communing with God; it was the evening. At one point, Isaac heard some noise at a distance. When he gazed and looked to see what this was all about, he saw a herd of camels on the horizon coming his way. Rebecca saw this young man walking into the field to meet them. She politely asked the servant who this man was. The servant replied that this was Abraham’s son, Isaac. Rebecca covered herself with a veil, and the servant introduced them.
“Rebecca, please meet my master’s son Isaac; Isaac, I present you, Rebecca.” This is how I envision the servant introducing them to each other for the first time.
Right after, Isaac pleased with the precious gift the Lord had blessed him with, brought Rebecca to his tent and loved her. The rest is history…
Mission accomplished
This beautiful story catches my most profound interest, as Isaac was forty years old when he married. Nevertheless, he rested upon his father’s wisdom, even at this age, to find the one God had in store for him. I also admire Rebecca’s kind soul. She demonstrated traits and characteristics of utmost femininity. Consequently, she acted with so much grace, politeness, love and softness towards Eliezer. Sweet Rebecca also trusted in the judgement of her family. She knew they had her best interest at heart. Rebecca gladly accepted Eliezer’s proposal. She followed him willingly to meet her husband-to-be. How beautiful it is when God is in the middle of a union. Everything aligns perfectly.
Click here to read the story of the previous woman of note at study.
Praise the Lord ! I feel so blessed. May God continue to bless your heart abundantly so you can keep continuing feeding the flock.