Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31:28-31
Femininity at its finest
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Indeed, the virtuous woman fears the Lord.
Friends, we spent the past few weeks discovering the noble character of this precious woman. We learned that the woman described in the thirty-first chapter of the book of Proverbs is faithful, hardworking, diligent and compassionate, but above all, a woman who fears the Lord, her Creator. All of those beautiful and feminine traits of character can be ours only if we faithfully and diligently apply God’s principles. The fear of the Lord is the most important aspect that we must never neglect or put aside.
While she is serving Him and her neighbour, faithfully, God showers her with blessings and honourable qualities. Without loving Him and devoting her whole life to Him, she couldn’t be a “virtuous woman”.

This is not a simple task, but one that takes a lifetime. Ladies, this is why the author asked this very important question “who can find a virtuous woman ? for her price is far above rubies?”. Because a virtuous woman is a rare and valuable privilege. A woman who lives selflessly, in a way that glorifies God and blesses humanity, is of great valour, a precious gem, an immense treasure. This woman subjects her whole being to the channel of light and consecrates herself to do the work of God. She is consistent in her way of living and firmly holds her standards up high, with the help of Christ.
Lessons that I have learned
This woman humbly takes her cross and carries it, every single day, without complaining, or murmuring. The only words that come out of her mouth are words that lift up the weary soul and give God all the praise and glory.

She is wise, kind, modest, reserved, soft-spoken, hardworking, strong, disciplined, caring, tender, confident, ambitious, creative, a good steward, a homemaker, and much more, but most of all she fears the Lord. May all those noble characteristics and qualities be yours and mine, today.
Amen! I’ve been following this series.
God bless your passion to write for the Lord, Sophie!
Lyndille, thank you for reading faithfully ! I am so happy that you are blessed ! 😊