Good morning Lord!
Starting your day right simply means putting Jesus first. When you first wake up in the morning, to whom or what do you devote your time and attention? Do you just wake up and start looking at your phone in search of the latest news you’ve missed while you were sound asleep ? Do you get out of bed when your alarm goes off, after hitting snooze multiple times and finally go about your day? I don’t need an actual answer, but let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on our personal journey.

“The very first outbreathing of the soul in the morning should be for the presence of Jesus.”
Our Father cares – Pray in the morning – Ellen G. White. p.44
The Lord desires every piece of our hearts. When we first open our eyes in the morning, the first thing that should be on our minds and hearts should be to thank the Lord for his renewed blessings upon our lives. Many did not wake up from their sleep, but God saw fit to bless you with another day on earth. A spirit of gratitude and grace will give your day a whole new direction and flavour. Starting with a positive spirit and mindset will attract many good things your way!

Ladies, I know it might be hard, we all struggle with different things in our lives. However, committing to give Christ the very first seconds of our mornings, will truly bring benefits and mercies to our lives. Plus, nothing will fill and comfort our hearts more than Christ. He knows what the day holds in store for each of us. By spending time with Him we get to fill up our soul with strength and power to overcome whatever will come our way. Let’s commit to giving Him our very first breath and thoughts. His grace will amaze you!