The Story Of Ruth And Naomi, The Marriage Proposal

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Reading of “The story of Ruth and Naomi – the marriage proposal” – by Sophia

As we enter the depths of Ruth and Naomi’s story, we will also witness a beautiful love story unfold between Ruth and Boaz. Naomi’s wisdom which is at the centre of it all, will allow us to observe a unique and graceful marriage proposal. Keep on reading to discover the beauty of wisdom and pure love…

A desire for marriage

Naomi dearly loved her daughter-in-law. She was so grateful for Ruth’s love, care and loyalty. Above all, Naomi only wanted the best for her. So much so, that one day, Naomi announced to Ruth that she wanted to secure her future, with the intention of finding her a husband. A husband who would profoundly love her and provide her with a happy home. Naomi was wise and with this prayer request in mind, she was thinking about Boaz, their redeeming relative. Afterwards, Naomi proceeded to give Ruth specific and enlightened counsels on how to approach Boaz at the threshing floor, that very same night…

Ruth and Naomi's humble home.

Naomi first instructed Ruth on how she should prepare herself, physically, in order to meet Boaz. She told her to wash herself, put on perfume, and get dressed in her best clothes. After all those steps, Ruth would have to go the threshing floor, where Boaz would be that night. However, she advised that she should be discreet and not be seen by anyone. Naomi also instructed Ruth to wait, until Boaz had done eating and drinking. Then, she would observe at a distance, where he would choose to lay down. Once he would be fast asleep, Ruth would approach his place of rest, uncover his feet and lay down as well. Naomi advised that right after, Boaz would tell her exactly what to do. Ruth listened carefully to the wise words that were coming from Naomi’s mouth and obediently said : ” I will do whatever you say. ”

The preparation

And so did she… As soon as Boaz laid down, Ruth approached him, softly uncovered his feet and laid down. At midnight, something agitated Boaz during his sleep, he rolled over and there was a woman lying at his feet! He asked her, who are you ? Ruth humbly answered:

“I am your servant Ruth,” she said. “Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a guardian-redeemer of our family.”

Ruth 3:9
A night in the field, where the love story begins

Boaz was amazed by Ruth’s soft and humble character. He praised and blessed her, for not going towards the younger men and said that he would do whatever she needed him to do. He recognized the fact that she was a virtuous woman, moreover, a hidden treasure. But Boaz announced to Ruth, that there was another kinsmen-redeemer who was closely related to her family, than him. He proposed that she should stay for the night, and in the morning he would sort this situation out. Boaz would go and ask the other kinsmen-redeemer if he would be interested in redeeming Ruth or not. If the other man said yes, Boaz would let the young lady go. On the other hand, if he declined his privilege, then he would gladly take care of Ruth, until death do them part.

The waiting

In the early hours of the morning, Ruth woke up and Boaz told her to be discreet, so no one knew about a woman coming to the threshing floor. However, Boaz did not let her return to her mother-in-law empty-handed. He gave her six measures of barley for her to bring home.

Sunrise at the threshing floor

When Ruth arrived home, she told Naomi all that had happened, how Boaz showed so much tenderness, compassion and mercy towards her! As she was listening attentively, and with her heart full of hope and joy, Naomi said:

Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.”

Ruth 3:18

This is what I love about the story of Ruth and Naomi. The beautiful description of mutual love, respect and gentleness expressed by all of them is breathtaking! I can’t put into words how beautiful and honourable this story is. As christians, we all need precious people of divine influence in our lives. People who just as Naomi, will guide and exhort us on the right path, with much prayer, dedication and wisdom. A path of blessings and submission to the Lord. Just as Ruth, let us be devoted and faithful christians. She is the perfect example of respect, selflessness and obedience.