The Story Of Ruth And Naomi, The Newborn Baby

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The story of Ruth and Naomi – The Newborn Baby, read by Sophia

The newborn baby. This is the last post of the story of Ruth and Naomi series. Last week, we left as Ruth and Boaz were getting married. In this post, we will explore the last part of the book of Ruth and see how God will bless their progeny. Let’s dive right into it!

The newborn baby

After the wedding, it is written, that Boaz went towards Ruth, they became one. The Lord was pleased. He blessed Ruth’s womb, she became pregnant and then gave birth to a beautiful son. An important piece of this world’s history. With great joy and acclamation, the women came to Naomi and said :

“Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous in Israel! He will renew and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.”

Ruth 4:14-15

Naomi held the newborn baby in her arms, nurtured, loved and took precious care of him. The women of the neihbourhood said “Naomi has a son”, and decided to name this sweet baby, Obed!

Naomi holding the newborn baby Obed

Now, let us take a closer look at the biblical genealogy of this baby boy, and we will discover many important treasures…

The genealogy of Obed

Later on, Obed, son of Boaz, had a son of his own, who he named Jesse. Jesse, in his turn, also had a son who he named… David! Yes, David the young shepherd who defied Goliath and who later on became King of Israel. David, the man after God’s own heart ( Acts 13:22 ), who wrote Psalm 23 and many more. How marvellous and wonderful this is! There are so many beautiful lessons that we ought to take from the story of Ruth and Naomi.

When Ruth took the solemn decision to let the course of her life in the hands of The One True God, she did not know the godly plans that were in store for her. God was pleased with Ruth, and blessed her. A special and unique man of God, noticed from afar her faithfulness, humility and delicacy . Boaz genuinely fought and cared for her and they eventually became husband and wife. Once more, the Lord blessed this lovely couple and they conceived a son, Obed. Obed turned out to be the grandfather of David, thus, part of the lineage of Jesus-Christ, our Saviour!

Following Ruth’s footsteps

following Ruth's footsteps

By Ruth’s selfless decision of following God wholeheartedly and serving her dear mother-in-law, God used her to accomplish the unexpected, He brought her into the lineage of Christ! Ladies, how much more should we be doing the same. Faithfully loving God, working for Him and serving our neighbours. By doing so, we will deepen our relationship with God, become more and more like Christ, subsequently become virtuous women. We then become a living testimony, an open love letter to edify others in their walk with Christ. Just as Ruth is the true evidence of God’s love for humanity, let us remain loyal and devoted to the Lord and others, and we may see where He will take us…

For I know the plans I have for you, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

4 thoughts on “The Story Of Ruth And Naomi, The Newborn Baby”

    1. Amen! This is my favourite Bible story! There are so many meaningful lessons to take from it! May God continue to bless you Therisa! 😊

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