The Story Of Ruth And Naomi, An Unexpected Blessing

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As we pursue the account of this beautiful story, we will see that an unexpected blessing awaits Ruth and Naomi, let’s see what this is all about.

An unexpected invitation

Then came mealtime. Boaz gently invited Ruth to take a seat and have something to eat. She respectfully accepted his request and ate. While having her meal with the other harvesters, Ruth had her precious mother Naomi in mind and kept a portion of her meal specially for her. She planned on bringing it to her later, after her day of work. Ruth did not consider solely her own needs. Even while being away from Naomi, Ruth constantly thought about her and cared for her.

The story of Ruth and Naomi, an unexpected blessing, mealtime in the field

As soon as she was done eating, Ruth immediately went back to the field to continue her work. Meanwhile, Boaz instructed his men a second time, not to bother or harm the young lady and to let her take whatever she wanted from the field. Ruth worked until the evening. As soon as she was done, she gathered all the barley that she had harvested during the day. It amounted to approximately thirteen kilograms and she carried everything back to town, back home to Naomi.

The story of Ruth and Naomi, an unexpected blessing. Evening in the field.

An unexpected surprise

Once Ruth arrived home, Naomi saw all that she had worked for and brought back. Naomi was cheerful and well-pleased with her sweet daughter-in-law. Ruth also gave her the portion of the meal she had preciously kept for her. Naomi felt richly blessed and loved, yet, she had one question in mind…

Her mother-in-law asked her, “Where did you glean today? Where did you work? Blessed be the man who took notice of you!”

Ruth 2:19
The story of Ruth and Naomi, an unexpected blessing. Ruth holding barley

Ruth told Naomi all about her day and how the Lord tremendously blessed her, through this man, in whose field she had been working. Then she finally said his name was Boaz… Naomi could not believe her ears and gave thanks and praises to the Lord! She gladly announced to Ruth that Boaz was in fact Elimelech’s close relative and was one of their redeeming relatives! She then wisely counselled Ruth to remain in his field and to keep working with his servants, until the end of barley and wheat harvests, knowing that she would be safe there. Ruth obeyed and worked in Boaz’ field with the other women. And throughout all this time, Ruth also took good care of Naomi.

What an unexpected blessing! God’s providence directed Ruth’s steps to one of their close relatives. More than that, he was also their redeeming relative, which means Boaz, was a man who had the responsibility to protect, take care of them and look after their needs. This clearly makes a parallel with God who is our Redeemer, Protecter and Deliverer. Just as we have been redeemed by God, Ruth had now met her redeemer…

But now, this is what the Lord says, he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: ” Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

Isaiah 43:1