“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.”
Proverbs 31:10-12
Who can find a virtuous woman ? The keyword “find” implies that this type of woman is uncommon and extremely rare. She is royalty, set apart, unique and of high value. Just as a precious gem is kept in a secure and locked safe, the virtuous woman is hidden and guarded in the Lord.
"While I was still searching but not finding—I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all." - Ecclesiastes 7:28
For her price is far above rubies, “far above”…
Rubies are highly esteemed for their astonishing beauty and durability. In fact, they are the most expensive colored gemstone on the planet! Any idea how we determine the value of a ruby ? Well, the most important factors and attributes to consider are its size, clarity and color. It’s fairly simple.
The greater the size and weight of a ruby, the more it is worth. Clarity refers to the amount and type of internal flaws that a ruby has. The more visible the blemishes or imperfections are, the lower the value of a ruby. Last but not least, the color. It is the highest attribute which determines the value of a ruby. Deeper is the red ( almost like a purplish red ), higher the value. The most sought after ruby color is a rich, vibrant and highly saturated red, in other words, a “blood red” color.

Just so you can grasp the concept of what the acquisition price of a ruby can look like, in May 2015 at an auction, a 25.59-carat ruby ring, was sold for over 30 million dollars…
Pretty decent.
Well, the author of Proverbs chapter 31 wrote that the virtuous woman is worth “far more” than rubies. Let’s pause for a moment… To put it in another way, the money of the world could never equal her worth. She is worth more than precious gemstones. The proverbs 31 woman is a blessing and a gift from God. She possesses the characteristics of a woman of virtue and noble character.
A few words to describe the virtuous woman
She is a faithful servant of the Most High. She is intelligent, happy, wise, trustworthy, caring, giving, hardworking, kind, polite, creative, active, selfless. In other words, she is blessed. Her purpose in this life is to serve. Firstly to serve her God, which instantly brings her to serve others, whoever the Lord choses to cross her path.
This woman was born to bless others. She exudes perfumes of love, compassion and goodness. The humble man who finally finds her among others, is surely blessed.
Words of encouragement for single ladies
Being a woman of a noble character is achievable only in Jesus-Christ, by surrendering yourself completely to God, your Creator. And this has to start today. Being a virtuous woman does not only apply to married women, but to single women too. If you are currently in a season of singleness, now is the time to prepare your heart to become just like the Proverbs 31 woman. Now is the time to put in practice, what the Bible teaches us about women of noble character.
Just as mentioned earlier, a virtuous woman blesses others by serving God wholeheartedly. Slowly but surely, what we call “self” will start decreasing and will leave space only for the love of Christ. In fact, it is a blessing to start working on yourself now, while in your single season. And if marriage is the will of God for your life, when the man God has for you, eventually finds you, you will be ready to be what God intends you to be. A virtuous woman.
Ruth, my favorite Bible character was definitely a Proverbs 31 woman. You can read her story here.
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